When After-Work Happy-Hour Isn’t so "Happy"
The pandemic changed many things for all of us, and one of the significant rituals it changed for people was a decline in after-work get...
When You Can’t Stand Your Appearance Without “Face-Tuning”
More than likely, you’ve taken a photo of yourself that you can’t stand looking at. You may delete it or turn to the numerous apps...
The Psychological Adjustment of Taking Off Our Masks
The CDC’s announcement that fully vaccinated individuals are safe without masks has become an invitation to begin living our lives again....
5 Ways To Cope With Re-Entry Anxiety
It’s been a year of uncertainty, strangeness, and fear, but as the pandemic recedes, we’re slowly going back to normal. The CDC’s recent...
Is It Time for a Complaint Cleanse?
When is the last time you walked away from a conversation exhausted by listening to someone complaining? It has been a struggle this past...
You’re not burned out; you’re languishing
A recent article has me convinced that most of my clients and even friends are languishing post-pandemic. They aren’t burned out,...
Moving Out of the Pandemic with Vaccine Etiquette
As more people get vaccinated, life is slowly beginning to return to a normal pace and that’s a good thing. However, there is still a...
How Hosting a Pity Party Increases Productivity
You may have grown up with parents who chided you for wallowing in your own pity party, but wallowing has taken up a new place in our...
Coping with Survivor’s Guilt after the Artic Blast
Most of us have experienced feeling guilty and recognize it as an extremely uncomfortable feeling. We punish ourselves over guilt in a...
Understanding and Coping with C-PTSD
You may have heard or suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but COVID-19 has added to the complexity. Now mental health...