Surviving the Empty-Nester Transition
Being a parent is bittersweet during transitions in your child’s life. You remember the first day of kindergarten as much as the first...

Building a Positive Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher from the Start
As school begins for your child, you may be concerned about the quality of their education, their health, and their emotional well-being...

Five Subtle Signs of Back-to-School Stress in Children
Getting ready for returning to school is typically exciting and stressful for many families, but this year with COVID-19 coming back into...

Why Micro-Adventures are the Perfect Way to Celebrate Summer
If you’re looking for adventure with your children without breaking the bank, a micro-adventure is a perfect way to achieve both. When we...

Four ways to bring the family together to celebrate the 4th of July
When we think of the celebrating the fourth of July we think of fireworks, barbecue in the back yard, parades, but mostly we think of...

Celebrating Your Dad is More Important Than Ever in 2021
If you’re like many families, you didn’t feel safe enough to celebrate your parents last year. Since men are more likely to suffer...

What Every Mom Needs to Hear This Mother’s Day
Being a mom is hard work, and this past year has been a doozy. Moms everywhere have had to be innovative, adaptive, and flexible for...

Searching for the Meaning of Christmas Begins at Home
It’s tough being a parent, especially at Christmas. You know your child doesn’t need another gadget or toy to distract them, yet you love...

5 Ways to Give Thanks and Celebrate a Virtual Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving will be different this year, but don’t let that discourage you or your family from celebrating and feeling close to each...

Keeping Your Partner Out of Your Family Drama
When you’re in a relationship, you share many aspects of your lives – friendships, goals, future plans, and family. However, sometimes...