Setting a “Teacher Tone” While Homeschooling
Life has done a 180, and most of us are doing things we never expected to do, whether that’s working from home, wearing masks when we go...

Managing Anger Before Snapping at Your Kids During COVID-19
Parents are trying hard to do it all. Homeschooling kids, entertaining little ones, working from home, and trying to keep everyone on...

For Your Family’s Health, Consider a Spring Break Staycation
It’s Spring Break and, even if you can’t get off from work, afford a trip, or your trip has been cancelled, don’t let that discourage you...

When You Want to Break-Up with your Family
News from the British royal family revealed a situation that is becoming more and more prevalent among young people everywhere. It may...

Is the White House News Making You and Your Relationship Sick?
U.S politics has never been as divisive and labile as it has within recent years. All signs currently suggest that this will continue as...

Have a Family Fun Day Before Sending Children Back to School
August brings the reminder of new beginnings and transitions. Although you may be feeling lethargic from the heat and still cleaning sand...

Teaching Children with 5 Time-Honored Traditions this Memorial Day
Memorial Day is the unofficial kick off to summer, but it’s meaning runs much deeper. It’s a time to pay respect to the men and women who...

What Moms Want from Dads in the Bedroom on Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a day moms look forward to and dad’s dread. The pressure is real; what do you give the woman who spends her entire life...

Has texting replaced conversation in your home?
According to a new Pew Research Center survey, almost one third of families living together use texting in lieu of conversing...

Suffering from holiday burnout? You’re not alone.
One in three Americans are suffering from what experts have coined “Festive Holiday Burnout.” A recent study surveyed 2,000 Americans,...