Getting Yourself Emotionally Fit in the New Year!
Everyone I know is on a health food kick, and membership at the gym increases every January. Keeping yourself healthy is important, and...

The Silent Divorce Epidemic and the Emotional After-Effects
A large part of my practice is seeing clients who have been recently divorced. It’s painful and includes panic attacks, body aches,...

Gratitude is good for your health
We all know the warm feeling we get from thanking someone and making them feel good, but new research shows that gratitude physically...

The Cure for Uncertainty
If you’re feeling shaken after the election and more uncertain than you’ve ever felt, you’re not alone. Many felt they had certainty in...

How to Stop Being Manipulated By a Manipulator
If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a manipulator, chances are you’ll never forget it. You end up being put into situations you...

Helping Your Daughter Deal with Stress
This week, two teens ran away after school and did not come home that evening. Although they were found the next day, one of the...

Talking to Kids During Dark Times
Another shooting in the news today, but this time it was in my community. Early morning – runners are out for their morning job, parents...

Addictions don’t take a day off
When it comes to an addiction, there is no holiday. If you’ve watched the news you’ve heard about Anthony Weiner’s addictions – sending...

The Importance of Play in Your Child’s Emotional Well-Being
If you take a walk around the neighborhood, you’ll notice the absence of children playing. Many of them are in school, but even on...

The Effects of Plus Size Models on Women’s Body Image
It’s beach time and body image as well as body awareness is on every woman’s mind as she shops for a swimsuit or summer fashion. Women...