Standing Strong in a Chaotic World
Staying grounded when your world is in chaos isn’t taught in high school, college or graduate school, but it’s one of the most important...

Is Political Stress Interfering with your Relationship?
A recent survey noted in USA Today surveyed Americans about their stress level. 64% of those ages 18 to 33 replied saying they feel...

Are Good Parents Contributing to the Childhood Anxiety Epidemic?
Every generation raises their children with the idea of being a great parent. You remember what you didn’t like about your childhood and...

Keeping Your Head Above Water in Tough Times
The recent floods, loss of homes, cars, and personal possessions has left many in the community feeling overwhelmed with fear and...

Are Facebook and Twitter Bringing You Down?
In 2009, a study was released suggesting Facebook caused girls to become depressed. Pediatricians warned parents to limit social media...

Getting Back on Your Feet After Getting Fired
If you’ve just been let go from a job, you know the sense of loss, anger, confusion and despair a person goes through. Thoughts are...

What Parents Need to Know When the Emotional Abuser is Their Child
A question from a viewer wanted to know what they could do with their emotionally abusive child. It’s a very serious topic and one...

How to Live with a Paranoid Partner
Paranoia is a state of anxiety and mistrust. It’s common to feel a little paranoid when you’ve been in a relationship broken by an...

7 Tips for the Perfect New Year’s Eve Alone
The loneliest most of us ever feel is when we are with someone we don’t care for. A bad date or a bad marriage can make us feel so alone...

6 Tips to Protect Your Relationship from Holiday Stress
The holidays are supposed to be joyful and bring couples closer together. However, in reality, December sets the tone for the highest...