Are you living your life on autopilot?
Do you feel as though you’re sleepwalking through life? You don’t remember your drive home, what happened at work, or the last time you...

Can you catch a bad mood?
Happify is an organization with experts and scientist who study happiness. They have determined that 50% of how happy a person feels is...

Practicing Optimism When Uncertainty Strikes
Life is full of uncertainty. Although you can make plans, they don’t always work out. Optimism is a powerful tool that can help keep you...

Learning to Love the Unfiltered You
In generations past, young people have always struggled with comparing themselves to others – their looks, their spouse, what they wear....

Remaining Emotionally Sober When Life Becomes Difficult
It’s estimated that 30 million Americans beginning at age 12 are addicted to a vice that helps them silence or avoid specific feelings....

Stop the Shame: Create a Healthier Body Image in the New Year
In my clinical practice, I see capable people. They are successful in their careers, raising families, caring for parents, and enjoying...

Want a change in your life? Reinvent yourself in 2018!
At some point in life, no matter who you are, you’ll feel stuck. The new year is the perfect time to make a change. If you’ve tried...

Is a Warm Body Better Than Nobody on New Year’s Eve?
The loneliest most of us ever feel is when we are with someone we don’t care for. A bad date or a bad marriage can make us feel isolated...

The Internet, Girls, and Self-Esteem
From the age of twelve to at least eighteen, a girl is under constant scrutiny about her body, looks, and sex appeal. We have advanced...

World Teachers' Day: Reminding Teachers that Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
On October 5th we celebrate World Teachers Day. A day recognized since 1994 to commemorate teachers and teacher organizations to ensure...