Is your relationship depleting you?
In a healthy relationship, you want to be a better version of yourself. Relationships help you learn how to share, think of someone else...
Love Bombing: How to spot it and escape
Love bombing, a manipulative behavior that utilizes excessive flattery to control an unsuspecting potential partner, is the antithesis of...
Why do good people stay in bad relationships?
As a clinical psychotherapist, I see couples who do not belong together. There are individuals who tolerate being screamed at or insulted...
Is Your Marriage Set for Success?
The royal wedding is days away and the most popular month to get married is right around the corner. If you’re considering marriage, you...
Crossing the Line: Emotional and Sexual Abuse are Reasons for Divorce
In the United States between 40 to 50 percent of married couples divorce. Divorce happens for many reasons, but marriage experts often...
What Parents Need to Know When the Emotional Abuser is Their Child
A question from a viewer wanted to know what they could do with their emotionally abusive child. It’s a very serious topic and one...