5 Ways Your Relationship Scores with the Superbowl
The Super Bowl can be a super time for your relationship. After all, sharing a common goal is a great way to build your relationship;...

Banishing the “Post-Holiday Blues”
The worst thing about the holidays is having the “blues” after they’re over. The excitement of Santa, Hanukkah, wonderful meals, and...

Moving Forward into the New Year by Letting Go of the Past
For many people, this year is an especially daunting one to face. Perhaps you’re feeling drained or fearful of the year ahead. The past...

Getting Yourself Emotionally Fit in the New Year!
Everyone I know is on a health food kick, and membership at the gym increases every January. Keeping yourself healthy is important, and...

Best Relationship Resolutions
New Year’s brings out the optimist in all of us. We write a list of things we’re going to do differently to become a better version of...

There’s Always Time to Add Inspiration to Your Holiday
If you’re like most parents, the week before Christmas is a buzz with your little one’s (and maybe your not-so-little one’s) holiday...

Have a Merry “Drama-Free” Christmas
For most of us the holiday season is an exciting time of the year. You go to more parties and school activities and socialize more than...

Searching for the Meaning of Christmas Begins at Home
It’s tough being a parent, especially at Christmas. You know your child doesn’t need another gadget or toy to distract them, yet you love...

The best holiday gift isn’t a gift but an experience
Ribbons, wrappings, and bows are beautiful, but once you open the package and see the gift the moment of sheer happiness is short-lived....

7 Questions to Consider Before a Holiday Breakup
Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Years Eve are just around the corner. For the majority of couples that means lots of together time. For...