Mary Jo's Ask Mary Jo segment is hosted on KRIV Fox 26 every week. Below you will find some of the questions about intimacy, relationships, body image, and emotional wellness that she has answered on air.

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Ask Mary Jo Archive
Over-involved parents; Makeup-free first date
February 27, 2020
Hi Mary Jo,
I am a high school teacher, and I want to know how I deal with parents who are so involved with their child’s education that they’re hindering their child’s ability to grow by making mistakes?
Hi Mary Jo,
Is it okay to not wear make up on a first date? Because a lot of people love to go all out to wow their date.
Date or a hangout? Getting my teen daughter to cooperate?
February 20, 2020
Hi Mary Jo,
I am currently single and using dating apps. Often when a woman and I match, I’ll think the girl and I are just hanging out and she’ll think we’re dating. What’s the difference between dating and just hanging out?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I get my teenage daughter to be more cooperative?
Valentine's Day gift for male friend; Asking for something special
February 13, 2020
Hi Mary Jo,
Valentine’s Day is next week, and I have a male friend. Can I buy him a gift? He does have a girlfriend.
Hi Mary Jo,
I am married to a wonderful sweetheart and Valentine’s Day is coming up. I want something special that day. He says he gives me sweet things every day. Am I being too greedy to want something special on Valentine’s Day?
Dating at 46; Keeping the spark from fading
February 06, 2020
Hey Mary Jo,
I am 46 and dating. How much space is too much space in the beginning when meeting someone new? Do you wait a week for them to follow up or date 5 people to find consistency? Help!
Hi Mary Jo,
Whenever I am talking to someone, there is a spark and then it fades away. How can I prevent this from happening?
What to say on a first date; Communicating during a couple conflict
January 30, 2020
Hi Mary Jo,
What should and shouldn’t I say on a first date?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I communicate most effectively with my husband during a couple conflict?
Coping with guilt after suicide & helping family with an alcoholic issue
January 16, 2020
Hi Mary Jo,
How does a parent deal with the guilt of not being able to save their child from suicide or suicidal thoughts?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you deal with a family member who has an alcoholic issue?
Dating successfully & attending events alone
January 09, 2020
Hi Mary Jo,
When you think you’ve found the right person, how do you date them successfully?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I go about feeling less awkward or anxious attending parties or events alone while others are attending as couples?
Characteristics of romantic love & fully committing to someone
December 12, 2019
Hey Mary Jo,
When dating, it takes me a while to develop feelings in a romantic way, so how do you tell if something is going to be platonic or has the potential to be more romantic in nature earlier for me specifically?
Hi Mary Jo,
Is there a specific time that you know you should fully commit yourself to someone? Is it months, years? I really need to know.
Concern for grandkids & next steps in online dating
December 05, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
I have two grandchildren I have concerns for. How do I express my concerns to their parents without coming across as too harsh?
Hi Mary Jo,
When do you give your personal phone number on a dating app and then from a dating app to texting?
Finances after marriage & compassion fatigue
November 14, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
In a marriage, are the finances split or are they together? What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours?
Hi Mary Jo,
I work at the hospital with critical patients. How do I cope better when things aren’t going well with them, so I don’t get depressed?
Thank you,
Getting to know your date & how sisters can work together
October 17, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
How can I date in 2019 and actually get to know her?
Hi Mary Jo,
We’re twin sisters who work together, so I want to know how do we work together and tackle individual problems and help each other without taking on each other’s problems?
Veronica and La Monica
Outside influences on relationship & approving of daughter's boyfriend
October 03, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
If a man is interested in a woman but outside influences cause her to lose interest in him, should he continue forward and try to continue the relationship or should he move on because she is no longer interested?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I encourage my grown daughter to talk to her father about a boy she's in love with but knows he won't approve of?
Freezing when stressed & deleting ex's photos on social media
September 26, 2019
Hey Mary Jo,
Sometimes I get so stressed with work, I freeze. How can I get ahead of that and possibly intervene?
Hi Mary Jo,
My girlfriend has asked me to delete all pictures on social media of any ex-girlfriends. I think she's crazy, but does she have a point. Should I do it?
Husband trying to fix problems & showing your partner love
September 12, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
I have a great husband, and he is always trying to fix things about me. How do I tell him I need to take care of these things and it’s my responsibility?
Hey Mary Jo,
I have a beautiful wonderful wife, and I tell her every single day, but how do I show her I love her more every day?
Friend's negativity & working together on finances
August 22, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
I’ve had a friend for twelve years. We used to be super tight; however, the last few years she’s become super negative. Do I talk about the negativity or let the relationship slide?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I get my husband to consult with me prior to making large purchases?
How to grow personally & dealing with unresponsive people
August 15, 2019
Dear Mary Jo,
How can stay-at-home moms stay creative and evolved?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you deal with unresponsive people both personally and professionally without feeling resentful because they're not responding?
Family causing friction & healing from resentful feelings
July 25, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
What would be your advice if you have family members spreading lies about you to other family members causing friction?
Hey Mary Jo,
Can you ever heal from resentful feelings and how?
Opening up to a friend & forgiveness from spouse
July 18, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you open up to a friend about something deep that you need to share with them?
Hi Mary Jo,
I have a lovely wife of many years, and recently we had a “befuffle” major. How do you know if you’re ever truly forgiven?
Dating in college & dealing with toxic coworkers
July 11, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you build trust with a co-worker who has spread false accusations about you to other colleagues as well as HR just to defame your character?
Hey Mary Jo,
As a young woman in college with my own dreams and vision, should I even bother to date in college?
Being vulnerable & what to do if you suspect cheating
June 27, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you know when it’s okay to be vulnerable in a relationship?
Hi Mary Jo,
What is your take on finding out your significant other has phone numbers listed under an acronym?
Help friend aim higher when dating & help adopted child who's acting out
June 20, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
I have a friend who keeps dating guys who are going nowhere, how can I encourage her to do better for herself?
Hi Mary Jo,
We recently adopted my niece from my sister who couldn’t keep them. Lately she is acting out. What do you suggest?
Helping dad stay healthy & being significant in kids' lives
June 13, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
I am in health and fitness, and I want to know how I can get my dad to take my health advice because I really care about him and want him to live as long as he can.
Hi Mary Jo,
How can younger, separated fathers be significant in their relationships with their children and their family
Early warning signs of cheating & creating a healthier lifestyle
June 06, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
Are there early warning signs of cheating in a marriage?
Thank you, Barbi
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you encourage your partner to eat healthier so it doesn’t get in the way with intimacy?
Keeping marriage fun & quieting self-defeating thoughts
May 30, 2019
What are some tips for keeping marriage fun after 20 plus years?
How do I quiet self-defeating thoughts?
Single parent stress & supporting parent going through divorce
May 16, 2019
Do you have any suggestions on how best to cope with single parent stress?
My parents have been going through a divorce. What can I do as a son to best emotionally support my mom?
Mother's Day
May 09, 2019
What is a gift I can give to my mother that will be meaningful for Mother’s Day? She has done so much for me; I want to show her I really appreciate that.
How do you celebrate Mother’s Day after having an argument with your mom that left you feeling hurt?
Supporting parent with chronic illness & relationship deal breakers
May 02, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you emotionally support your parent when they’re struggling with a chronic illness?
Hi Mary Jo,
I’m a really committed guy. I often find myself hanging onto relationships when I probably shouldn’t. What are 3 deal breakers when it’s time to let go?
Taking the next step in a relationship & mixed messages
April 25, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
I am currently in a serious relationship, which I think is going to advance to engagement. How do I know if I’m ready for that next step?
Hey Mary Jo,
I’m in the early stages of dating this girl, and I’m getting a lot of mixed signals. My friends tell me mixed signals mean no. I don’t know what to do. What do you think?
Dating as a single mom & being a good parent
April 18, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
What advice do you have for single moms who are just getting back into the dating scene?
Hi Mary Jo,
I’m a single mom of three teenage children. I continually ask myself if I am a “good enough” parent. How do you know if you’re good enough?
Wanting more intimacy & setting healthy boundaries
April 11, 2019
Hey Mary Jo,
What do you do when you’re the partner that wants more intimacy than the other?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you set a healthy boundaries for yourself without offending others?
Disciplining blended family & communicating better with spouse
April 04, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
My fiancé has a two-year-old daughter, and I have a six-year-old son. How can we combine it together and do discipline the same?
Hey Mary Jo,
How do we get our husbands to open up? We’ve been married forever and use to have greatconversations. How do we create that again?
Support for transgender family & how to stop worrying
March 28, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
Ten years ago, my brother came out that he was transgender. I want to know if you have tips how my family and I can accept and fully love him fully all around.
Hi Mary Jo,
Worry is praying for what you don’t want, but I still worry and then look for stuff that distracts my head which feeds my co-dependency. Can you help?
Advocating for yourself & making a second marriage successful
March 21, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
Why are we so obsessed with getting love validation from others but refuse to embrace ourselves?
Hi Mary Jo,
I am a single, divorced mom considering dating. Are there qualities more likely to help marriage be a success the second time around?
Making a good marriage great & taking 'me time'
March 14, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
What are ways that a good marriage can become great?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I balance having my time and time for my partner without feeling guilty?
Maintaining a loving relationship & stopping an argument
February 21, 2019
Hello Mary Jo,
What are some of the things one can do to maintain a loving relationship?
Hi Mary Jo,
What’s the quickest way to stop and argument with your partner that you don’t want to be in?
Valentine's Day: Celebrating while single & expecting gifts
February 14, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
Should I expect a gift for Valentine’s Day from my guy friend if we’re not officially together?
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I celebrate Valentine’s as a single lady?
Avoiding power struggles & getting back into the dating scene
February 07, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
How can a husband and wife avoid power struggles in marriage?
Hi Mary Jo,
I was recently in a relationship that ended after 9 years. How do I get back into the dating scene? I’m very scared. What’s your advice?
Combining finances & avoiding burnout as a stay-at-home mom
January 24, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
I’m a stay at home mom with two toddlers. What is something I can do that’s quick at the end of the day that won’t keep me up all night so I’m not tired the next day.
Thanks, Rebecca
Hi Mary Jo,
If you are going on your second marriage, do you recommend combining your finances with your new spouse or not?
Emotional intimacy & committed relationships
January 10, 2019
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I go from a recreation type sex to a more spiritual, loving, emotional type intimacy?
Hi Mary Jo,
I want a committed relationship. Most of the women I hang out with say I’m not ready for a committed relationship. Why are they saying that, when I know that I want a committed relationship?
Empty Nesters and Dealing with the Dating Scene
November 29, 2018
Hi Mary Jo,
I’m 34, single, and practicing abstinence until I get married. How do I navigate the dating world?
Hi Mary Jo,
I am an empty nester. My husband and I love our son, and he just went off to college. We invested so much time and energy into him; what do we do now that he’s gone? Please help.
Dealing with disapproval of interracial relationships
October 11, 2018
Dear Mary Jo,
My girlfriend and I are in an interracial relationship, and her grandmother has issues with that. How do we deal with that problem?
Hi Mary Jo,
I’m the mother of two wonderful girls. How do I turn off the “mom mode” and be a better partner or lover to my husband?
Improving your mood & forgiving an ex
August 02, 2018
Hi Mary Jo,
I am married with two young children and a career. Sometimes when I am out and about, I notice how happy people seem to be and sometimes I am crabby. What is your advice for feeling crabby?
Hi Mary Jo,
I just got out of a relationship, and I am wondering how to forgive myself and my ex and move forward with healthy boundaries.
Demanding children & relationship with step-parents
July 26, 2018
What is your best advice for two parents of two demanding children with two demanding jobs other than going on date night to keep the relationship strong?
Hi, Mary Jo.
Should you establish a relationship with your child’s step-parents or just your child’s other parent?
Dating your crush's friend, seeking help with grief
June 28, 2018
Hi, Mary Jo.
I use to like this one boy, but we never went out. Now his friend is interested. Should I give it a try?
Hi, Mary Jo.
I just lost my mom and am feeling the grief. How do you know when it’s time to seek professional help?
Adjusting child to new baby & long-distance relationship
April 26, 2018
Hi Mary Jo,
I have a two-year-old at home. How do I help her adjust to a new baby in June?
Thank you, Shay
Hey Mary Jo,
I’m in a long-distance relationship. When we get together it’s great, but in between times there is a not enough communication unless I instigate it. What should I do to help the communication flowing in between times?
Thanks, Gwen
Tired fathers & self-centered spouses
December 14, 2017
Hi Mary Jo,
How does a mom deal when her husband works hard all day long, but when he gets home he doesn’t want to help with the children or responsibilities?
Thank you, Sherry
Hi Mary Jo,
Is there any hope for a marriage with a self-centered spouse?
Thank you, Tina
Cyberbullying & working mother guilt
August 18, 2017
Hi Mary Jo,
I want to know - as a parent - what we can do to help our kids when they’re being cyber bullied on social media.
Thank you, Kim
Hi Mary Jo,
I’m a pageant queen and working mom of three, and I want to know how do you get over the guilt of not being everything to everyone all the time?
Thank you, Misty
Ending relationships; gossip about you
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I help my good friends know when it’s time to let go of a relationship?
Thank you, Meoka
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you respond when you overhear people gossiping about you?
Thank you, Jamareya
'Respect jar;' healthy spousal boundaries
Hi Mary Jo,
I’m a teacher. What is the best way to impress upon parents teaching their kids respect?
Thank you, Jamie
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you maintain healthy boundaries when you work with your spouse, open their mail, and are with them 24/7?
Thank you, Karen
Spending time together, de-stressing
July 27, 2017
Hi Mary Jo,
I just started a new relationship and we love each other, but we’re both overwhelmed with our work schedules. How can we find more time to spend together?
Thank you, Mo
Hey Mary Jo,
As a single working mom, how do we de-stress from everyday tasks and life instead of having a few glasses of wine when we come home?
Thanks, Crystal
Children who lie, gaining trust while dating
July 17, 2017
Dear Mary Jo,
What do you do with an 8-year-old daughter who becomes untruthful with a teacher at school? She didn’t learn this at home.
Thank you, Joe
Hi, Mary Jo,
I quit doing social media but currently am dating a girl who is really into social media. How can I increase my ability to trust her?
Thank you, Mario
Work/parenting balance, marriage money talk
July 17, 2017
Hi Mary Jo,
I recently went back to work full-time and have young kids at home. Do you have any advice about how to balance work time vs. family time? Thank you, Lillie
Hi Mary Jo, We’re getting married in December and have practiced abstinence until marriage. At what point do you become intimate with money, monthly income, and credit scores? Thanks, Samuel and Monica
Pursuing dream while in relationship, 'in sync' from beginning
July 03, 2017
Hi Mary Jo,
How do I keep my girlfriend secure and happy while I’m still touring and pursuing my dream?
Thank you, Chris
Hi Mary Jo,
How do you allow for change in a relationship where you’ve been “in sync” since the beginning? How do we allow for different things to come along?
Thanks, Rene and Jessica
Waiting for marriage, long-distance relationship
June 01, 2017
Hi Mary Jo, I’ve been with my kid’s dad for ten years. How do I get over the resentment for not being married yet? Thanks, Jacqueline
Hi Mary Jo, I’m in a long distance relationship. How do you keep it fair if you’re the one always traveling so you don’t feel used? Thanks, Sasha
Raising children after infidelity, divorce
May 22, 2017
Dear Mary Jo,
I want to know, can adults truly change?
Thanks, Debra
Dear Mary Jo,
How do you get past infidelity and divorce, and raise two kids at the same time? Learning to trust all over again and date.
Thanks, Rachel
April 10, 2017
Hi, Mary Jo,
How do I deal with a woman who’s ready to commit too fast?
Thank you, Rashad
Hi Mary Jo,
What advice should I give my niece who is worried that the first person who asks her to prom is not her first choice?
Thanks, Erica
April 07, 2017
Hi, Mary Jo,
How do I deal with a woman who’s ready to commit too fast?
Thank you, Rashad
Hi Mary Jo,
What advice should I give my niece who is worried that the first person who asks her to prom is not her first choice?
Thanks, Erica
March 09, 2017
Hi Mary Jo,
I live in chronic pain. How can I better relate to my loved ones who can’t see my pain, don’t want to see my pain, or really don’t care?
Thanks, Scott
Hi Mary Jo,
My daughter is 10 years old and I can see our relationship changing. How do I know when I should stop treating her like a little girl?
Thanks, Brenda
January 19, 2017
Hi Mary Jo,
I’ve been married for twenty plus years. How do I keep my marriage from growing stale?
Thanks, Keisha
Hi Mary Jo,
How does a couple find space for themselves when they live in a very small, tight, and cramped home?
Thank you, Kathy
Lover more like 'roommate' & finding mature man willing to commit
December 05, 2016
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