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Keep your work husband at work

With more and more time spent at work it’s become common to have a work spouse. This person has usually gone through ups and downs of your typical work day, listened to you vent about unreasonable colleagues and more than likely has seen you at your worst; angry and crying. Your work spouse shares your career but your husband shares your life, family and children. Work demands more and more attention and boundaries blur when you take your work home. Confusing your intimate life with your career life is common and a significant issue for couples.

Below are tips helping you find balance with your work husband and your real husband at home so both relationships remain conflict free.

  1. Be sensitive and respect your real husband’s concerns. A work spouse works well toward bringing out the best in both of you. Research suggests problem solving skills are heightened when female brains solve problems with male brains. However, make sure your boundaries are strong and don’t get into small talk with your work husband about your relationship with your real husband.

  2. Don’t hide your work husband from you real husband. Couples that get to know each other’s work partner have less conflict. Feeling as though you have to hide your work partner from your spouse is a red flag for relationship conflict.

  3. Keep an engaged home life. When work is the main focus, feeling empty and a void in your relationship is natural. Leaving work at work and having a designated time when the phones are off at home is important. Date nights and spending time alone with your real spouse keeps your relationship alive.

  4. Keep work at work. Business lunches and dinners happen, but as much as possible, keep work at work. It’s more difficult to manage strong boundaries when you’re socializing at dinners, happy hours and long weekends away.

  5. Keep photos of your family displayed in your office. A quick way to set boundaries is to display photos of your family in your office. It’s a good reminder for you and your work husband that you have and value your commitment at home.

Work productivity is increased when men and women work together, but since office romances do happen, having strong boundaries between the two helps you keep your work life in harmony with your home life.

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